Life counseling

For new strength and confidence after work-related and personal challenges

  • Selfcare
  • Family problems and life crises
  • Confidential counseling
  • Psychosocial counseling service 24/7
  • Referral to therapists and doctors
  • Access to specialist services and
  • Self-help groups

Confidential counseling in private crises and special challenges at the workplace

Sometimes life doesn't go as it should and you find yourself in a personal crisis or in a difficult situation at work. Whether small challenges or major upheavals - critical situations occupy your thoughts, distract you and can sometimes downright paralyze you.

Whatever is troubling your employees, we are there to support them in every situation. Sometimes all it takes is a brief conversation, a simple nudge from a new perspective. But perhaps psychological counseling and professional help is also required - we are on hand for both, so that your employees can quickly find a solution and dedicate themselves to their vocation at work with new perspectives.

How we help your employees in challenging situations

New perspectives
  • Confidential advice on all private and professional issues
  • Joint search for new perspectives
  • Coaching for self-empowerment
  • Psychological counseling
  • Long-term support in coping with problems
Private crises
  • Confidential contact for all forms of private crises
  • Nationwide referral to psychotherapists and specialist services
  • Research of local self-help groups and contact points
  • We accompany you step by step through all phases of a crisis
Working environment
  • The personal contact for all difficulties in the work environment with guaranteed strict confidentiality
  • Joint search for solutions, mediation and coaching
  • Nationwide search for experts and professional support

Confidence in life for full commitment at work

Almost everyone gets into minor or major crises from time to time in their lives. Fears, addiction problems or simply disorientation after an illness, an accident, a break-in, a separation, difficult circumstances at work - there are countless events that can throw life off course for a moment. In such cases, it is important to get back on track quickly and this is exactly where we help your employees with advice, professional coaching and expert referrals, because the mental health of employees is a decisive factor in their productivity: 

• less sickness-related absenteeism
• fewer careless mistakes in the workplace
• high commitment with creative input
• Reduction in the rate of resignations
• Improvement of the working atmosphere
• Higher esteem as an employer


Our services

We support your employees with presentations, individual advice, coaching, organizing appointments and finding experts in six key areas of life.

Parents & family

You can find our support services for improving the work-life balance here

Caring for relatives

You can find our support services for family caregivers here

Everyday life & household

You can find our support services for everyday life and household tasks here

Professional coaching

You can find our coaching services for professional development here

Healthy living

You can find our health advice services here

  • Parents & family
  • Caring for relatives
  • Everyday life & household
  • Professional coaching
  • Healthy living