Professional coaching

Preparation for new challenges and support for unexpected hurdles

  • Communication & leadership
  • Dealing with stressful situations
  • Conflicts in the workplace
  • Workplace-related crises
  • By telephone or in private
  • Absolute confidentiality guaranteed

Individual coaching for targeted advancement and overcoming conflicts and crises at work

Working life is dynamic and constantly presents us all with new challenges that require not only professional expertise but also a strong personality. It can also happen that an employee feels uncomfortable in a situation, does not know how to behave properly, the working atmosphere suffers or a real personal crisis arises. 

In such cases, we act as a confidential point of contact, discussing
together with your employees to discuss what support will help them the most, arrange suitable coaching and assist with conflicts and crises until they are fully resolved.

We help your employees to overcome challenges in the workplace with advice and coaching

Personal growth
  • Preparation for new challenges
  • Coaching for mastering leadership tasks
  • Communication training
  • Placement of trainers and training in all areas of further progression
  • Confidential contact person in challenging situations
  • Coaching on how to dealing with stressful situations
  • Training in conflict avoidance techniques
  • Training of mediators
Conflict resolution
  • Contact person for all forms of work-related crises
  • Telephone counseling or face-to-face meetings
  • Strict confidentiality
  • Coaching for crisis management
  • Referral to experts and psychological support

Empowering employees to solve challenges in the workplace

In addition to professional tasks, the job and the social structure in the workplace sometimes bring personal challenges, which in some cases can lead to real crises. A new management position, difficult communication tasks or atmospheric disturbances in the workplace – in such situations, not everyone immediately has a suitable solution strategy at the ready. We help you to develop such a strategy and empower your employees to master the challenges – to the mutual benefit of employees and the company: 

• Less stress-related downtime
• Improvement of the working atmosphere
• Release of creativity
• Reduction in stress-related errors
• Reducing the rate of resignations


Our services

We support your employees with presentations, individual advice, coaching, organizing appointments and finding experts in six key areas of life.

Parents and family

You can find our support services for improving the work-life balance here

Caring for relatives

You can find our support services for family caregivers here

Everyday life & household

You can find our support services for everyday life and household tasks here

Life counseling

You can find our counseling and coaching services for private crises and special challenges in the workplace here

Healthy living

You can find our health advice services here

  • Parents and family
  • Caring for relatives
  • Everyday life & household
  • Life counseling
  • Healthy living