General Terms and Conditions of Work-Life-Management GmbH

I. General provisions
The General Terms of Service for the use of service brokering via the website (hereinafter: brokering) between Work-Life-Management GmbH (hereinafter: Agency) and consumers using the website (hereinafter: User) – Agency and User (hereinafter also referred to collectively as: the parties) – are governed exclusively by these General Terms of Service (hereinafter: Terms of Service).

These Terms of Service also apply to all future usage relationships between the parties, even if there is no express inclusion of the Terms of Service in these usage relationships.

II. Object / Scope of Services    
The Agency shall make available an Internet portal (hereinafter: Internet portal) via the website, through which services for Users are provided. The Agency thereby primarily provides services in the segments children, care and house & garden. By successfully brokering services, i.e. the confirmed booking of a service via the Internet portal, Users enter into a contractual relationship with the service provider. For the avoidance of doubt, please note that the Agency itself does not become a contracting party; contractual relationships can only be established between the service providers and the Users.

In addition to the posting of service offers and a booking function for acceptance of the offers on the Internet portal, brokering of the service includes handling the booking process and supporting users with information. For this purpose the Users can contact the Service Centre of the Agency by e-mail or telephone.

Using the Internet portal is only possible by means of access data assigned by the agency. The use without access data, or on the basis of unauthorized access data, is prohibited and will be prevented by the Agency.
Furthermore, use of the Internet portal is only granted if these Terms of Service are accepted and confirmed by the User before the first use. In the event of a change to these Terms of Service, further use of the Internet portal is subject to renewed acceptance and confirmation by the User.

III. Terms of Use/Withdrawal/Termination
The User may terminate the use of the Internet portal at any time.

Withdrawal or cancellation regarding contractual relations of the User with the service providers has no effect on the use of the Internet portal.
The use of the Internet portal is free of charge for the Users.

IV. Disclaimer
All claims for damages and expenses (hereinafter: claims for damages) of the User against the Agency, regardless of the legal basis, in particular for breach of duties arising from the contractual obligation and from tort, are excluded.

This does not apply if liability is mandatory, especially in cases of intent, gross negligence, and injury to life, body or health or due to the violation of essential obligations. However, liability for the breach of essential obligations is limited to compensation for typically foreseeable damage, unless there is intent or gross negligence involved, or liability for injury to life, body or health. The above does not imply a change in the burden of proof to the detriment of the User.

V. Miscellaneous
German law applies exclusively to the use of the Internet portal and all specific queries arising from this use.

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