Children & Family

Strengthening families and their work-life balance

  • All about becoming a parent
  • School & parenting
  • Individual childcare solutions
  • Placement of caregivers
  • Emergency care
  • Vacation offers

From family planning to graduation

Family planning, pregnancy, family life and raising children - highly private issues that can fundamentally change the lives of parents and thus also have a significant impact on everyday working life and career planning. 

Career and family do not have to be in competition with each other - both can be perfectly reconciled if the framework conditions are right. And this is exactly where our services can help. We provide your employees with advice and support - from planning a family to the children's graduation.

How we support your employees with children and families

Expectant parents
  • Advice on all questions around family planning, maternity protection and becoming parents
  • Advice on care issues 
  • Elaboration of an individual childcare solution 
  • Nationwide placement of nannies, childminders, au pairs, childcare facilities and babysitters 
  • Quick emergency care in the event of childcare failure
  • Advice on parenting issues
  • Referral to experts for developmental problems
Law and finance
  • Advice on legal aspects 
  • Advice on financial issues
Vacation organization
  • Arrangement of various vacation offers
  • Advice on questions about school
  • Arrangement of tutoring services 
  • Advice on school and psychological problems of the child

If you want to aim high, you need firm roots...

...and these are formed in a happy family. Because only when everything is in order at home can your employees have a clear head for their projects, develop their creativity and concentrate on their work with joy and full commitment. This is directly reflected in 

• fewer days of absence due to family commitments
• a quicker return to work after maternity leave
• higher productivity and creativity in the workplace
• fewer resignations by employees
• greater attractiveness as an employer for new employees


Our services

We support your employees with presentations, individual advice, coaching, organizing appointments and finding experts in six key areas of life.

Caring for relatives

You can find our support services for family caregivers here

Everyday life & household

You can find our support services for everyday life and household tasks here

Life counseling

You can find our counseling and coaching services for private crises and special challenges in the workplace here

Professional coaching

You can find our coaching services for professional development here

Healthy living

You can find our health advice services here

  • Caring for relatives
  • Everyday life & household
  • Life counseling
  • Professional coaching
  • Healthy living