We strengthen your employees

through holistic support

in everyday life and at work.

More than 200 companies strengthen their employees through our program.

We keep your employees backs free.

Our Services
In order for your employees to be able to concentrate fully on their work, be motivated and creative, enjoy working on solutions and contribute to their team without distraction, they need a clear head. They need to be unencumbered by private challenges such as organizing home care for relatives, children's school problems, time-consuming visits to the authorities or personal doubts in difficult life situations. To ensure this, we stand by your employees and support them in word and deed as a personal coach and assistant.

Our services

We support your employees with presentations, individual advice, coaching, organizing appointments and finding experts in six key areas of life.

Parents & family

You can find our support services for improving the work-life balance here

Everyday life & household

You can find our support services for everyday life and household tasks here

Caring for relatives

You can find our support services for family caregivers here

Life counseling

You can find our counseling and coaching services for private crises and special challenges in the workplace here

Professional coaching

You can find our coaching services for professional development here

Healthy living

You can find our health advice services here

  • Parents & family
  • Everyday life & household
  • Caring for relatives
  • Life counseling
  • Professional coaching
  • Healthy living
Children & Family
  • All about becoming a parent
  • School & Education
  • Individual childcare solutions
  • Placement of caregivers
  • Emergency care
  • Vacation offers
Everyday life & household
  • Organization of everyday life
  • Support options & contact points
  • Arrangement of service providers for household, garden, animal care, visits to authorities...
  • Domestic help and everyday helpers
  • Drafting contracts, cost estimates
  • Complaints, tax aspects
Caring for loved ones
  • Advice on home care
  • Individual care solutions
  • Financing & applications
  • Conversions & provision
  • Dealing with illness, disability, dementia
  • Arrangement of care services
Life coaching
  • Selfcare
  • Family problems and life crises
  • Confidential counseling
  • Psychosocial counseling service 24/7
  • Referral to therapists and doctors
  • Access to specialist services and
  • self-help groups
Career Coaching
  • Communication & leadership
  • Dealing with stressful situations
  • Conflicts in the workplace
  • Workplace-related crises
  • By telephone or in private
  • Absolute confidentiality guaranteed
Healthy life
  • Mental health
  • Resilience and stress management
  • Addiction and dependencies
  • Health prevention
  • Nutrition and diet
  • Exercise

You can rely on this with us

Highest quality without additional expense for you, no cost risk

We have been offering work-life services & EAP for employees of small, medium-sized and large companies and organisations nationwide for more than 14 years.

Our 35 employees are highly motivated and well trained and are supported by a nationwide network of experts and service partners.

  • More than 200 companies empower their employees through our program
  • Individual offers for companies, personal support for employees and efficient, digital processes
  • Nationwide network of experts and cooperation partners
  • Professional case management according to DIN Spec 7700
  • There is no additional work or cost risk for you

How to work with us

The collaboration

If you would like to make our life coaching available to your employees, we will conclude a framework agreement with a fixed annual flat rate.

The amount of the flat rate depends on the number of employees and the scope of the services to which your employees are to have access. The important thing is:

  • There are no additional costs for you as a company.
  • All services are completely free of charge for your employees.
  • Your employees receive company-specific access to our portal with an overview of all available services.
  • Every employee can select the services they need around the clock and book them with a single click.
  • All employees can access numerous lectures on a wide range of topics at any time and are regularly invited to live lectures.

Would you like to find out more about our service?

Write to us and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Or request a non-binding quote directly here.